Picture April Persuaded

This story is my submission for the 2021 April Fools Contest.

Readers are once again forewarned that this story is not a "quick read". It contains more sex than many of my other stories, but hopefully it is presented in a manner that doesn't offend anyone.


This story is a work of fiction. All characters depicted are over the age of eighteen.


April Abbott was one of those high school girls that guys dreamt about but never got.

She hung around with the "in" crowd, the clique that was a mixture of athletes, cheerleaders, college-preppies, and the stars of the drama club. You could see them at every lunch hour, all clustered around the big live-oak in the senior quad at Highland Park High School.

All the normal kids all hated them. They all wanted to be them. They were the "cream" that just naturally floats to the top at every high school.

The queen of this clique was April Abbott. She was the Senior Class President, a lieutenant on the Highland Belles drill team, the female lead of nearly every play the school put on, only dated college guys, and hung around with the kids who were destined to be rich or richer. Her family lived in the ritziest neighborhood, in a house that was just this side of an estate. She had it all, and she was heart-shattering beautiful.

April's teenage beauty had that casual, effortless look that everyone knew would be with her for her entire life. She had long, dark brown hair which framed a face that was the blueprint for what all beautiful faces should be. April Abbott was always clothed in expensive silk's and satin's, was slender yet perfectly proportioned. Her firm high breasts looked like the models by which all other breasts are designed. Her round, tight ass gave only slightly when she sat on it. She had straight, dainty posture, and the grace of a dancer. She was, in every sense, a perfect little doll. Unfortunately for those admiring her, she knew it.

Some people can put you down without saying a word; by the way they look at you, or avoid looking at you, or simply by the way they carry themselves. April Abbott was a perfect example of this trait. Her every movement communicated that she was better than everyone else. She would glide through the halls, regal, aloof, and apart, her face a mask of calm separateness until she would spy another of her clique, and her expression would break into a smile of interest and compassion.

For years, Richard (Rick) Burke had suffered a devastating and unrequited crush on Miss 'My Shit Doesn't Stink'. He was no nerd, but many of his friends were, like him, a part of the common masses. Rick was a fairly good-looking young man, well-built and handsome, or, so he was told by the girls he dated, but he had interests that were not shared with the higher social circle, so Rick was never permitted. April never looked at him. In fact, she never met his eyes. They were lab partners in biology, and somehow, she still managed to avoid any kind of interaction, even when they had to dissect a frog. The few times Rick tried to offer her assistance or start a conversation, she withered him with total disinterest. It was horrible.

By Rick's senior year, he was pretty much over it, though. He had enjoyed a pretty successful summer and senior year, sexually speaking, and this had bolstered his confidence to the point that Rick no longer needed an April Abbott. Oh, he still appreciated her lovely long legs on those days when she wore a skirt, and he still let his eyes roam over her breasts when the weather was warm, and she wore thin silk blouses, but his obsession was over.

Rick was resigned to the reality that April Abbott would never enter his world, or he hers, but everything changed when he discovered that April led a secret life.


It was late in Rick's senior year. He had driven over to a secluded section of Trammel Crow Park, which was a popular make-out spot for high school couples. Rick was assisting on a project for his dad, who worked at Texas Instruments. They were working on a lossy compression technology called "discrete cosine transform", or DCT. One potential application that they were exploring was using this compression technology for digital images. So, his father had asked Rick to use his experience from working on the school yearbook and photography classes to capture some images that could be used to test the technology.

He had gone over to the park to take some shots along the Trinity River, showing the litter-strewn banks to include in a report on the environment for his earth science class. Rick's dad had let him use an engineering sample of a digital camera from Pentax that had enough memory to store approximately twenty pictures if the compression technology worked properly. He could then connect the camera to their home computer to transfer the pictures and clear out the memory on the camera to allow for more pictures to be taken.

Rick hiked down to the river's edge and was approaching a small clearing he knew of where he planned to get clear shots of both river banks at the same time. As Rick got within earshot of the clearing, he heard voices talking low.

"Shit" Rick whispered to himself. Someone was using his spot. Rick hadn't known that anyone else knew about it. He had taken Tina Riggins there to fuck her and had not been worried since he was sure it was a private spot. Now he knew differently. Rick crept up quietly and peered from behind a patch of saw grass.

It was April Abbott, there with Larry Dalton. Rick Burke was totally shocked; Larry was known as sort of the school "stoner". He wore heavy metal band t-shirts, engineer's boots, and torn jeans pretty much all the time. He was just the sort that April would avoid like a disease, yet here she was with him, late in the afternoon, and in a very secluded spot.

They were just standing on a blanket in the clearing, discussing something in hushed tones. Rick could not tell what they were doing at first, then Larry pulled something out of the front pocket of his jeans. Rick saw the small tin box that Larry flipped the lid open on so that April could examine its contents. Aha, he thought, drugs. Now everything made sense; April wanted drugs and Larry was certainly the most likely source for drugs on campus.

Rick could not make out what they were saying, but Larry's face was full of devilment. April looked very anxious as she stared at the contents of the tin box. Larry closed the box, then sat down on the blanket, the tin of drugs in his hand, and stared at her. Finally, probably out of frustration, her voice rose to where Rick could hear it.

"Come on Larry, let me have two 'X's'. That will get me through the weekend. You said you would." She still held her usual expression of superiority, but there was a quiver of desperation in her voice that told me that taking Ecstasy was not a foreign experience for her.

"Maybe I will. Wha'cha gonna do for me, Ape?" Larry said, leering at her.

"Fuck you!" April said and looked away.

Larry chuckled. "Yeah, that's pretty much what I had in mind. Ecstasy for ecstasy. Not a bad deal, when you consider how much this shit costs. I'll bet you've got a tight cunt..."

She whirled on him, but her anger caused her to drop her voice into a hiss and Rick could not hear what she said. They spoke in lowered voices for a while, and it seemed to their observer that some sort of negotiation was going on.

They apparently came to an agreement, and April said "God, you're a shit. Alright, fine, let's get it over with."

Larry sat back on his elbows and smiled again, saying, "But you have to take it out." April looked like she was about to object, so he added, "or no deal, Ape."

April tried to stare him down, still trying to remain the regal queen persona, but she finally reached out, lowered his zipper, and took out his cock, which was semi-erect.

It was pretty obvious that Larry wanted some kind of sex from April in exchange for the drugs and April appeared to be surrendering to his demands. His cock was about average in length, but fat, with a slight bend near the head. It had the vaguely bruised look that comes from frequent visits from "Miss Michigan". April gripped it lightly with her right hand and began to jerk him off.

"This is the worst hand job I've even had, Ape. Either you get into it, babe, or no 'X'."

She looked pained and embarrassed, but she leaned into her work on his cock and began stroking with both hands. It was obvious that Larry was enjoying her attention, but Rick could tell by the look on Larry's face that he was not going to settle for this.

Rick Burke was getting incredibly turned on, watching this prissy queen jacking off the school stoner. There she was, in her expensive corduroy skirt and Angora sweater, on her knees with a bent cock in her hand, stroking it. She had obviously given a hand job before, which did not surprise Rick; that's probably all girls like she did.

Rick smiled to himself when he remembered the digital camera that was hanging around his neck. Thanking his lucky stars for putting him there with a camera, he began to slowly click off pictures, pacing himself so as not to run out of memory in the camera. The afternoon light was more than adequate, even with the deepening shade.

The first shot captured April giving Larry a hand job. Larry stopped her again, and she must have thought she was going to get her drugs because she looked relieved. Nope. He whispered something, causing her to stand up, turn her back on him, and angrily stomp away a few strides.

"Come on, Ape," Larry said, taunting her. "It's fair. Besides, your hand job sucks." He laughed, obviously amused by his choice of words. "I mean, it doesn't suck. Hey, that's the problem!"

His glee was repellent, yet Rick was loving this.

The next shot captured Larry standing with his cock sticking out, April turning to look.

"If you think I'm taking that thing in my mouth, you're crazy." Her eyes were darting between his hard cock and the tin box on the blanket beside him.

Larry's face suddenly dropped into a serious expression. "Wise up, Ape. Nobody has the connections I do, and you're in need. Besides, we're alone here. I could throw you down and fuck your brains out if I wanted to. A little head won't kill you, and I promise to give you the 'X' for your weekend parties afterward. I'll leave your pussy alone." He was stroking his cock with one hand as he spoke, keeping it hard.

Her voice was very shaky now. "Oh, come on Larry..."

"I want to," he interrupted her. "I want to cum on. I want to cum on you. Either blow me willingly or get fucked unwillingly. It's your choice."

His look was deadly serious. Rick briefly considered stepping out of the shadows to save her; Larry was a stoner, but Rick Burke was quite a bit bigger than him. Maybe April would reward him for his gallantry? Then Rick remembered all the withering looks she had given him over the years...

April knew she was trapped. She slowly sank to her knees in front of Larry like the air had been let out of her. Rick positioned his camera again. The next shot captured April as she knelt before Larry. That was followed by a shot of April as she took the head of Larry's cock into her mouth.

She displayed an inkling of having some experience, though not a lot. April let him slide the bent thing in and out of her mouth, covering her teeth with her lips, but Rick did not see any tongue action, nor did she move her head laterally at all. She was simply letting him masturbate using her mouth.

Larry did not seem to care. Rick clicked off a series of five shots showing April with different amounts of Larry's cock in her mouth, then he grunted and moaned. He obviously began to cum, because April quickly pulled his cock from her mouth and tried to move away. Larry grabbed her hair and held her in place so that his long streams of sperm landed on her face, hair, and sweater.

After he had finished coming, which was a subject of two fantastic photos in Rick's series; April with cum flying toward her face, followed by April with cum hanging off her chin. Larry laughed and let her go. She grabbed her purse, and stepped off into the bushes, spitting and dabbing her face with a Kleenex. Rick wondered if the tears on her cheeks aided her in cleaning the cum off of them.

While she was gone, Larry began to sort through the tin box, searching for specific pills. When April returned, he smiled and placed the pills he had selected into the palm of her hand.

"Here you go, Ape. Nice job. I gave you some extra for the following weekend, you're such a good little cocksucker."

She glared at him before kneeling once more on the blanket, reaching into her purse and extracting a small, flowered pillbox. It looked like something a seventy-year-old woman would use to keep her rheumatoid pills in. She held up each of the pills that Larry had given her like she was reading something on them. Rick knew that Ecstasy tablets were frequently embossed with letters or symbols to distinguish them, so he assumed that this is what April was examining.

The next three shots, if they turn out as well as Rick hoped, would be priceless for him. First, he captured April examining the pills while Larry stood behind her, with his shrinking, wet cock in his hand. Then he captured April smiling at the pillbox while Larry milked his cock behind her head. Finally, he captured April returning the pillbox to her purse while Larry drops his last dribbles of sperm onto her hair, she was oblivious through her haze of excitement over getting her drug fix.

With the deal done, April was in a real hurry to get out of there. She was probably afraid that he'd try to rape her anyway, but Larry was spent to the point of disinterest. He had retrieved a beer from his shoulder bag and was taking long pulls on it while he played with himself. He paid her no attention as she gathered up her stuff.

Rick suddenly realized that he was standing on the path she was about to take back to the parking lot. He crouched down quickly in the shrubbery. She passed by within two feet of him without noticing. Her perfume was almost strong enough to cover the smell of recent sex, though not quite. The whole scene had given Rick a raging boner and it was a little uncomfortable squatting in his tight jeans. As soon as she was out of sight, he rushed back to his car and headed home.


Since Rick had no computer in his bedroom, and his parents would be in and out until they went to work on Monday, he put the digital camera with his precious photos in a safe place and tried to make the time pass quickly. He had taken the photos on Friday night, and Saturday he had to work at his uncle's hardware store. Sunday was spent at home with the men watching the college basketball playoffs and the women doing whatever they did when their men were occupied.

Sunday night crawled by, and Rick hardly slept that night. He went to school as early as he could Monday morning, waited for roll call in homeroom, and then cut the rest of his morning classes. He ran home and quickly connected the digital camera to their home computer. Thoughts of viewing the images while they were still on the camera crossed his mind, but he decided that no matter how good or bad the pictures were, he needed to get them off the camera before his dad took it back. Rick also didn't want to leave them on the computer for someone else to stumble upon them, so he formatted a new 3.5-inch floppy disk and transferred the pictures to it.

The images were perfect. They were so crisp, so defined. Rick didn't have film images to compare them to, but the quality did not seem affected by the compression technology at all. He could not believe his luck. His dad had a small, ten-page-per-minute Texas Instruments laser printer connected to the computer, but it only printed in black and white. Using a photo studio application, Rick grouped all the pictures into what would resemble a contact sheet in film photography and printed it out.

What a treasure the pictures were: April's look of concentration as she stroked that cock; Her pretty lips stretched around that thick, bent cock head; April's averted eyes and submissive posture as the cum dripped off her chin.

Rick reflected that he could get in real trouble if anyone saw these photos. Of course, there was no way to link them to him unless they were found on his person, still...

Then Rick grinned. He had her. Boy, did he ever. A vast and limitless universe of possibilities opened before him. He had her taking drugs from and giving head to a sleaze bag. It was a warm feeling to anticipate the future when such vistas of pleasures were on his horizon.

He quickly printed a second contact sheet. The floppy disk and one contact sheet were placed into an envelope and hidden behind the air vent grille in his room. Rick did not hide the second contact sheet, though. He had big plans for that one.

On the back of the sheet, he wrote:

"Dear Ape. These photos will enjoy wide distribution to the police, your parents, and the school population at large unless we can reach an agreement. Imagine hundreds of copies of the picture with Larry Dalton's cock in your mouth or Larry Dalton cumming on your face, distributed all over campus. Consider pictures of you getting drugs from the school stoner being sent to the cops. Be prepared to explain a copy of this contact sheet finding its way to your father's office, or to your home and your mother. If you wish to avoid all these things, meet me at the diner in the Highland Park Plaza today after school. We can discuss my terms. Don't worry, I can be reasonable, but don't imagine I am bluffing. I have nothing to lose by publishing these as 8 x 10 glossies."

The sheet was folded twice and placed into an envelope marked "Open in Private!". Rick went back to school, cut another class, and when he was sure that he was not being observed, slipped the envelope into her locker through the gap along the side of the door. At first, it stuck, and he panicked a little, but a little back-and-forth action made it slip right through.

He waited until the next bell rang, then stood across the quad surreptitiously watching April's locker. The hubbub of the between-class activity hid him perfectly, and after a few minutes, Rick spotted her heading toward her locker. She looked just as she always did, aloof and superior. He could not believe that such a debasing scene just a few days prior did nothing to change her attitude. She clearly still held herself "above it all."

"Just for a little longer," Rick thought.

April opened her locker door and the envelope immediately fell to the ground. Rick held his breath when some guy bent and picked it up, looked at it, and handed it to her. He said something, probably intended to be gallant or witty, but April frosted him with a snooty look and the guy walked away. April read the envelope, closed her locker, and walked over to sit on the planter that surrounded the flagpole. Checking to see that no one was near, she opened the envelope and unfolded the sheet.

She must have opened it to the photo side first because her face went pale, her eyes grew as large as saucers, and she clasped the sheet immediately to her chest to hide the side where the photos were. April looked around again, frantic, then noticed the writing on the reverse side. She stuffed the sheet back into the envelope without reading it, then ran off to the girls' room, looking a little ill.

Rick chuckled to himself. April looked about as un-superior as a person could, stumbling frantically off to the girls' bathroom clutching incriminating photos of herself. He figured that she was going there to read the note, and to study the photos again in disbelief. She was probably scared and suffering, and in the deepest reaches of his dark heart, Rick felt great. She might be a role model for all the elite people of the world, but to him, she was the embodiment of all the things a normal person never gets to have.












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